it was late night.
a deafening thunder and a blinding lightening.
power went off and there is pitch darkness everywhere.
i screamed in joy.
"why??" some one asked from some where in the dark.
what a question??
why? because now i can see the pure darkness!
the darkest of the dark. only in that darkest of the dark, i can see the rain better.
pure darkness?? darkness will show the rain better.
yes. how can one see the darkness with lights? how can you search silence with talks?
you can only see the darkness with no-lights.
when you go with darkness, it will show itself to you.
what an ammazing black !
inetially it is all pitch dark.
hold on for a while, give her time to dress up, and then mysteriously she emerges - revealing one by one her different shades of black.
first you see the vast sky in dark grey.
then, against this vast gray, graphically dotted by the lines of rain, are the huge black shapes of trees, moving wildly like possessed devils with flowing hair.
and then you will see the dead lamp posts standing like children frozen with fear.
focus your gaze further and you will see the main gate of your house closer to you in middle gray .
then slowly emerge the walls of your parapet and the handrails of stairs in light gray.
finally the wall closest to will appear in thee lightest gray.
the depths of darkness they produce together is unequal to anything you have ever seen.
the rhythmic sound of the rain falling through the leaves of the coconut tree on to my roof top provide such a musical accompanyment which beats thousand tanpuras.
and suddenly.....
there is electrifying lightening.
in that fraction of a second, the whole scene at once transforms as if lit by thousand suns, a totally different magical experience!!
your senses are ignited.
the heart pounding thunder follows.
you will be hit by the hair raising chill and the fresh aroma of the earth, just like a beautiful young woman rushing naked out of the bath room.
now i know why earth is always termed as woman , not man.
it is an unforgettable multisensory experience!!
lights would have been such an intrusion in this romance.
and you ask me 'why'?
........ a thud.
i jump, startled.
two sparks of eyes. and a black mass. the cat!!
i close my eyes and immeddiately i become attuned, like the radio tuner, to distant sounds far away- the clanking in the kitchen, the dog bark on the street and the drowning of the traffic far away.
(to be continued by you.....)
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